Category: Views

Digital Ecosocialism: Breaking the power of Big Tech

Originally from: We can no longer ignore the role of Big Tech in entrenching global inequality. To curtail the forces of digital capitalism, we need an ecosocialist Digital Tech Deal. In the space of a few years, the debate on how to rein in Big Tech has become mainstream, discussed across the political spectrum. […]

What’s the difference between and

Originally Published on WordPress is the most used CMS (Content Management System) in the world. It’s free software with the goal of enabling the greatest number of people possible to publish online without having to write code. Simple and accessible, WordPress can help you create any kind of website and manage content published on a website in real time. What’s the […]

Why your website’s URL is important for SEO

Originally published on by Andrew-Posted on 12.16.2021 A majority — 53% according to some sources — of website traffic now comes from organic search, that is, from search results in Google and other search engines ranked according to calculations using a secretive formula known as the “algorithm.” Furthermore, a whopping 93% of online experiences begin with a search engine. […]

Artificial intelligence and workers’ rights

by Valerio De Stefano and Antonio Aloisi on 8th November 2021 A draft EU regulation on artificial intelligence risks exclusion of the social partners and lack of compliance with data-protection requirements. Discussions about a European regulation on artificial intelligence have burgeoned since the European Commission published its proposal in April. In the aftermath, we wrote about potential threats to labour and employment rights. The text, of […]

Facebook Files and ePrivacy lobbying expose the power of Big Tech

by Margarida Silva on 8th November 2021 As MEPs host the Facebook whistleblower Frances Haugen this afternoon, they need to step up their challenge to the surveillance capitalists. Documents which have emerged in a legal action by several US states against Google have revealed that the company boasted about delaying a European Union regulation on ‘ePrivacy’, advanced in 2017 as […]

Facebook does the U.S. government’s censorship work in Nicaraguan elections

Originally published: COHA (Council on Hemispheric Affairs) by John Perry (November 3, 2021 A few days before the Nicaraguan presidential elections on November 7, Facebook and other social media companies began closing down many of the pages used by Sandinista supporters in their campaign to re-elect President Daniel Ortega. This blatant censorship move was said to be because […]

Digital economy: the transformation of contemporary capitalism

As the digitization of life intensifies in the era of lockdowns, it is urgent to think about how the “Digital Revolution” is shaping a new economic order that extends the destructive hold of industrial capitalism over nature and society. Two recent works discussed here by economist Hélène Tordjman help us move forward on this path. […]